The Monthly Retreat was held on Sunday the 30th of April 2023. Totally about 80 people participated in the half day retreat.
The day started with Puja and Bhajans. At 9.30 am Dr K Damayanthi and Devotees started the Bhajans and then at 10.30 am Devotional Songs was continued by Swami Satyayuktananda and Swami Durganathananda from Belur Math.
At 11.30 am Meditation for 15 minutes and then a discourse in Tamil by Swami Satyayuktananda.
At 12.40 am Sivapuranam was reci ted, continued by Sri Ramakrishna Archanai by Swami Satyayuktananda.
At 0 1 . 0 0 am “Si v a n a n d a La h a r i ” b o o k wr i t t e n b y V.A Ramasubramanian was released by Swami Satyayuktananda.
At 1.10 PM Arati was conducted and Annaprasadam distributed.
Lighting Lamp Puja (30-04-2023)
Due to less number of attendance the Lighting lamp puja was not conducted, instead there were bhajans and puja.